My Dive Computer Quit. What Do I Do?
What happens if your dive computer fails on your dive? Well, if your dive computer fails, stay calm. It’s not an emergency; it’s an inconvenience. Being proactive versus reactive will reduce the chances of this happening on future dives.
5 září, 2017/přidal adminWildlife Life Rules: The Do’s and Don’ts with Aquatic Creatures
New to scuba diving? Not sure what the rules are exactly on the wildlife and the underwater environment? Are you allowed to kneel on the bottom to take in the sights? Is it safe to touch the animals? Scuba diving can be fun for all involved, if we just follow a few simple rules.
31 května, 2017/přidal adminWhat I Wish I Knew Prior to Starting My ERDI Course
We all know Public Safety Divers see some pretty gnarly things when they're on the scene... But do you really stop to think about what YOU might see or hear during your training or how it will affect you?
15 února, 2017/přidal adminDialing in your trim in a drysuit
Before purchasing additional equipment as a quick fix, allow time, practice and patience for your body to adapt to adding a dry suit in the mix.
31 října, 2016/přidal Rob O'GoodenowRescue in Different Gear Configurations
Is it possible to adjust our brain to correct this in the future? Of course, but just like riding a backwards bicycle, it takes constant and deliberate practice.
6 července, 2016/přidal adminHow Logging Your Dives Can Make You a Better Diver
Here are a few items you can include in your logbook to help you stay organized and honest, track progress, and work on self-improvement as a diver.
7 června, 2016/přidal adminHow Do I Find a Scuba Instructor for My Child?
Here are some hints to help you choose a scuba instructor and things to consider when selecting “the one.”
5 dubna, 2016/přidal adminFull Face Masks… Not just for Public Safety Diving
Full face masks are not exclusive for public safety use; there are many benefits to diving one in the sport diving world.
2 března, 2016/přidal adminCave Diving: Directional and Non-directional Markers 101
Cave divers use a distinct set of markers to determine direction and distance traveled in a cave.
10 února, 2016/přidal adminRecreational Sport Diver Equivalences
Have you ever found yourself wondering if an SDI course is equal (or equivalent) to courses offered by other dive training organizations?
3 února, 2016/přidal admin7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Purchased a Rebreather
Buying your first rebreather is no easy task and as with any large investment you want to make sure you are making the right purchase the first time around so you do not spend that money twice.
13 ledna, 2016/přidal admin4 Things to Know Before Your First ERDI Class
First, it’s important to realize that this is not going to be like any other scuba diving course you have taken. ERDI courses are designed to save lives, recover bodies and sensitive crime scene evidence, and place divers in hazardous environments.
14 října, 2015/přidal adminThe Top 3 Finning Techniques and When to Use Each One
A diver should be able to move through the water using their fins as the exclusive means of propulsion to increase efficiency and minimize the impact to the environment.
9 září, 2015/přidal adminDon’t Judge a Book by Its Cover
Throughout this text we will outline examples of reverse age discrimination* and its effects on the dive community.
14 ledna, 2015/přidal adminAmazing Underwater Encounters
View some of our amazing underwater encounters, and send us yours too!
2 září, 2014/přidal adminDo’s and Don’ts of Diving Back In
Picture a clear sky, slight breeze, warm sun beating down on flat calm seas, and limitless visibility underwater… What could make this picture perfect dive day go from fantastic to terrible? Having to skip out on a dive! If you are a new diver or this is your first dive of the season – there are a few Do’s and Don’ts to consider before taking a giant stride in and having to skip out on a dive.
8 července, 2014/přidal Rob O'GoodenowTEKDiveUSA 2014, If You Missed It
Hundreds of dive enthusiasts took a weekend out of the water to take part in a groundbreaking Technical Diving Conference on May 17-18, 2014 in Miami, Florida. If you missed the event, continue reading for a recap of the weekend's highlights.
11 června, 2014/přidal Rob O'GoodenowTips & Tricks for a Successful Drift Dive
Drift diving is like flying underwater. When you are soaring along the bottom contour, neutrally buoyant, guided by a gentle current, watching the marine life; it gives you a perspective of the underwater world that is difficult to obtain any other way. So what should you consider before drift diving?
4 června, 2014/přidal Rob O'GoodenowThe „Perfect“ Trim
Check out these tips and tricks for the ideal trim!
9 dubna, 2014/přidal Rob O'GoodenowWant to be a contributor?
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