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Mark Phillips

About Mark

When he was a broke college student, studying to be an Oceanographer, Mark jumped at the opportunity to take a scuba class offered to his class. Double hose regulators had been replaced by single hose regulators but BCs and 80cf cylinders were still on the way. And back then, an octopus was a marine creature – no one had an extra second stage. Within months of completion he had already logged over 100 dives and within a year was working on his Dive Master rating.

At his request, Mark accompanied a friend who was applying to be a municipal firefighter. To pass the time, Mark filled out an application as well. 35 years later, Mark retired from the Beaumont Fire Department.

Mark was a member of the department dive team for the majority of his career and served in every position possible on the team. In an effort to continue to grow and develop in the scuba world, Mark became an instructor and eventually became an Instructor Trainer. As a result of his experiences in the fire service, a member of the dive team and passion for scuba, Mark combined it all into what has become PSDiver Magazine. The magazine mission is to provide an unbiased source of news, articles, features and information to Public Safety Divers and Underwater Crime Scene Investigators.

PSDiver Magazine has been referred to as ‘the voice’ of public safety diving. With over 100 issues published, PSDiver Magazine is the only information source of its kind. The magazine is supported by sponsor / advertisers and is offered as a free subscription and can be had at It and all the other resources located at are offered at no charge.

Today, Mark has developed a massive database of Public Safety Diving Fatalities as well as a water related fatality database for Public Safety Officers or Individuals serving the public who died in a water related incident. Mark has partnered with Buck Buchanan and together they have developed the PSDiver SURVIVAL Workshop. The workshop is designed to teach an individual diver a variety of skills and techniques to overcome panic underwater and work to overcome a potentially life threatening event.

Though now retired, Mark holds both his ERDI and SDI Instructor ratings and is a member of the SDI / ERDI International Training Advisory Panel. He still teaches a bit, speaks at events and continues to write for and publish PSDiver Magazine as well as training programs and independent articles related to Public Safety Diving.

Explore Articles by Mark

Diver Tips and Tricks - Body Position

Public Safety Diver Tips & Tricks: Body Position

Searching for missing objects or evidence in a public safety mission should be taken seriously. By that we mean, proper training and preparations. With this comes practicing body positioning underwater while performing a search mission. We’re breaking down the ins and outs of body positioning and how your team can practice most effectively.
3 Augusta, 2021/by Adolfo Ruiz Cantero

Are the Tools in Your Toolbox “Rusty”?

What do an old handsaw and public safety dive skills have in common? Hint: it’s about how much you use them and how you take care of keeping them up.
18 Februara, 2020/by admin

Line Signals

Using line signals is one of the most basic forms of communication is public safety diving. Understanding the ins and outs of using line signals can be the difference in a successful recovery or a recovery from the recovery.
13 Juna, 2019/by admin

Trace Evidence Preservation During Underwater Body Recovery

Preserving evidence should always be a priority when a diver is rescuing a victim or recovering a body. But how we should do that cannot be defined as an easy task. Mark Phillips Editor and Publisher of PSDiver Magazine has found a way to preserve trace evidence with a new technique to bag the hands, feet, and head of a body when performing a body recovery.
1 Novembra, 2018/by admin

Because Miracles Happen

The goal of a public safety diver is to save lives without losing one of their own. We can all agree that working in public safety is no joke. It’s a job that takes a lot of physical and mental training. While public safety officers are expected to do their jobs but are often to be left thankless when a life is lost.
14 Marta, 2018/by Rob O'Goodenow

Electronic Comm Systems and Their Weak Link (Hint: It’s You!)

Many Public Safety Divers take issue with their full face masks from time to time. We get it, equipment can fail, but are you taking the proper precautions to makes sure you’re not hurrying along this process?
14 Februara, 2018/by admin

Public Safety Diving and OSHA, Are We Exempt? Final Answer.

There are 91 pages in the OSHA diving directive that address diving standards and we concentrated on one paragraph that is in the Appendix. Is it any wonder we missed something?
15 Decembra, 2015/by admin

Origin of Rebreathers & Underwater Warriors

In war men fight. Ships sink. When men learned how to extend their time underwater to salvage sunken vessels it was their nature to consider the concept of an underwater warrior.
21 Maja, 2014/by Rob O'Goodenow

I’m a Tender, You’re a Tender, Wouldn’t You Like To Be a Tender Too?

29 Oktobra, 2013/by Rob O'Goodenow

Use it or Lose it, Personal Protective Equipment for Public Safety Divers

Most Public Safety Divers (PSDs) are involved in some part of…
14 Maja, 2012/by admin

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