Let us “co-host” your next ERDI Course

By: Brittany Bozik

It’s not secert or surprise that ERDI Courses are very niche, as such it can be hard to promote them. We want to make this easier for you as an Instructor or Dive Center because when you succeed so do we.

So how do you Co-Host?

That being said when it comes time to post your next course to Facebook, create an event. Add all the details of the course including the sign up deadline, the description of the course, all training dates, and don’t forget to add a photo to pull people in. The final step that will help get the course out there a bit more is to add our Facebook Page as a Co-Host. This will make your upcoming course appear on our page, now anyone who visits our page will see it like shown below.

I don’t want to create Facebook Events for my courses.

That’s okay too. If you don’t want to create an event for each of your courses but still want to leverage Facebook to promote your course. Your workaround could be to mention us in any post by typing @erdi into your post and clicking on our page when you see it in the suggested. This will give us a notification that you’ve mentioned us in your post. Now we will be able to easily share your course post.

In conclusion…

We’re here to help. We want to help you promote your courses. We have articles, videos and other resources to help you promote your business in our Business Resource Center. If you have any question please feel free to reach out to me personally at brittany.bozik@tdisdi.com

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