Swift Water – The Need for Training

That water YOU are getting ready to enter is moving faster than you think!

swift-waterSpring is here and anyone that lives near a river knows that means snow melt, rain and fast moving waters. Spring is also followed by summer which brings water sports such as: rafting, kayaking and swimming to name a few. So what does all this have to do with swift water? Put people close to water and they are bound to get themselves in trouble. So the question really is are you and your team ready to render assistance with limited risk to your team?

Swift water rescues are nothing new to Public Safety Diving (PSD) teams but team members change, teams get dissolved and new teams form; it is important to reflect on the qualifications and experience of the team overall and make an honest assessment of the types of calls you are prepared to respond to. Along with the team members, the equipment at your disposal needs to be checked to ensure it too is ready for the task. Swift water involves a lot of equipment: lines, block and tackle, carabineers and other items. All these items are subject to wear and tear and need to be inspected prior to needing them for training or a real call out.

Training for this type of rescue can be grueling, but never the less it’s mandatory if these types of rescues could happen in your response area.

Typically when we think of swift water rescues, we think about the recent news coverage about a flood from heavy rains and “that person” who was swept in.

The ERDI Swift Water Level 1 course teaches responders the techniques and tools they need to render assistance to those in need. The course also covers the limits of swift water rescues and risk vs. benefit analysis.

Do yourself, your team and the community a favor: if you are trained to respond to these events, be prepared and run some training exercises. If you are not, go to https://www.tdisdi.com and search for an ERDI Swift Water Instructor in your area.

Contact TDI, SDI and ERDI
If you would like more information about swift water rescue or to schedule an appointment with ERDI, please contact:
Tel: 888.778.9073 | 207.729.4201
Email: Worldhq@tdisdi.com
Web: https://www.tdisdi.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PublicSafetyDiving

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