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ERD Tender

The ERD Tender Course trains team personnel to properly line tend and participate within the public safety dive team in a non-diving roll. The ERD Tender role is so critical to the success of the mission and the team, some teams utilize their most experienced diver to fulfill the role.

Who is this course for:

  • Any team that is deploying divers into the water
  • Any team that has not been formally trained on the proper tending of divers

What you can expect to learn:

  • Team structure
  • Effective communication with the diver via, line signals and electronic communication
  • Diver safety by: choosing the right diver for the conditions, air consumption calculations
  • Mapping and documentation
  • Scene evaluation

Tenders should expect to take lots of notes and spend time analyzing outcomes to be prepared for the next callout. Learning the proper PPE for the tender and spending long hours in that PPE, crime scene recognition, search patterns and decontamination procedures are some more of the topics covered. In addition, ERD Tender students learn and master tending skills in both confined water and open water settings.

What’s in it for you and your team: a stronger team structure that is better rounded and prepared to handle any situation.

ERD Tender Technician level minimum requirements:

  • One confined water session
  • Four hours confined water training
  • Six hours open water training

How to Take This Course?

  • Available as an Online Course:Start eLearning today!
  • Find an Instructor for this Course: here.
  • Find you local Dive Center: here.
  • Course Cost: $123.55 USD for eLearning only.  Pool and open water training not included.  Contact your local dive shop for the full course cost.

pdf Course Standards & Procedures

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