Shark Awareness Distinctive Specialty Program in SE Asia

sharkSDI, together with Shark Savers Singapore, have teamed up for the first time to launch the SDI Shark Awareness Program during Asia Dive Expo (ADEX) 2013 in Singapore.

Sharks are under constant threat in the environment and their numbers are decreasing exponentially. An obvious reason is their use in the making of shark fin soup which has seen an increase in demand by the expansion of wealth and demand worldwide. Many shark species are known as apex predators, playing an important regulatory role in the food web, keeping the population of species in lower tropic levels in check. Without public education and encouraging people to make the right decisions to slow these diminishing effects on sharks, they are on the way to extinction in the near future.

This shark conservation program consists of three modules, Shark Awareness 101, 102 and 103. Shark Awareness 101 covers the importance and vulnerability of sharks as well as the myths about shark fin soup. Shark Awareness 102 examines the shark fin trade and the species of sharks frequently caught by the trade. Shark Awareness 103 explores the legal and conservation structures such as CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

Available to non-divers as well, this program aims to equip certified divers with shark awareness and conservation knowledge and encourage divers to engage in shark conservation either through personal choices (e.g. stopping the consumption of shark fin soup) or active involvement (e.g. volunteering in a shark or marine conservation group). In addition, divers can take the online pledge “I’M FINISHED WITH FINS” thereby making the personal choice not to eat or serve shark fin soup and/or to support ending the shark fin trade.

SDI Dive Centers in Singapore namely, ScubaPeople, Diving Solutions, G-S Diving, Free Bubbles Dive Studio and SG Scuba were the first dive centers to be able to offer this unique course. There will be more dive centers worldwide able to offer this program shortly. Please contact your local SDI dive center if you are interested in learning more about the SDI Shark Awareness Program.

Contact SDI TDI and ERDI
If you would like more information, please contact our World Headquarters or your Regional Office.
Tel: 888.778.9073 | 207.729.4201

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