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    Social Media


    Follow our lead: Not sure what to post? Take a look at one of our Facebook or Instagram pages for inspiration. You’ll notice we have themed days on Instagram and post a lot of articles and general posts from other pages on Facebook. Think about how you can do the same on your own pages.

    SDI | TDI | ERDI | PFI | First Response

    Join Our Private Facebook Group

    This group is a place for SDI Instructors to connect about teaching and general instructor conversation. In this group, you'll be able to privately connect with HQ staff members from the Marketing Department, Training Department, and our Business Development Department. PLEASE NOTE: You must provide your instructor number to for us to verify your membership with International Training.

    Join Now


    Tag us in your photos on Facebook and Instagram. On Facebook use @SDIdivers or @TDIdivers on Instagram use #SDIdivers or #TDIdivers. This gives us permission to share your photos with photo credit to increase your exposure on social media.

    SDI | TDI | ERDI | PFI | First Response

    Videos / YouTube

    Video is the new way to get noticed on social media! We have a channel filled with content made for you to share. Don’t worry about constantly creating your own, we’ve done the work for you! Check out our YouTube Channel to find promotional, educational, and agency-specific videos to help you market to your audience.

    To share or embed one of our YouTube videos follow the below steps:

    1. Start watching a video on our YouTube channel
    2. Under the video, click Share .
    3. A panel will appear, presenting different sharing options:
      • Message on YouTube: Select the YouTube friend(s) you’d like to send the video to. A private conversation is created where the recipient(s) can view and discuss the video. Click Messages on the top right of the page to find the private chat. You can watch the shared videos and chat at the same time.
      • Social networks: Click on a social network icon (for example, Facebook, Twitter) to share the video there.
      • Email: Choose the email icon to send an email using the default email software on your computer.
      • Embed: Click the Embed button to generate a code you can use to embed the video in a website.
      • Copy the link: Click the Copy button to copy a link to the video that you can paste somewhere else, like in an email message.
      • Start at: To link to a specific part of the video, check this box and enter the start time before you copy the link. For example, to start the video at 2 minutes and 30 seconds, check the box and enter “2:30.”
      • Community post: If you have access to the Community tab, you can share a video in a public post.


    Hashtags are a great way to share your social media posts with the world. We use a variety of hashtags for different purposes. #DiveStrong represents the dive industry’s pledge to stand together under our dive flags for the future of our industry. On #TurtleTuesday, post pics of turtles you find out in the wild. For #WreckDiveWednesday, share your best pictures and videos of wrecks you encounter on your dives. Then, on #DiveFlagFriday share your SDI, TDI, ERDI, and PFI flags with the world.

    Don’t forget to tag relevant agencies: #SDIdivers #TDIdivers #ERDIdivers #PFIfreedivers #PFImermaids #weareFRTI #diveSDI #diveTDI #diveERDI