A Message from Brian

Recently, we’ve had a number of dive centers reach out because they were treated poorly by their current agency which, in all honesty, is pretty standard. But there’s a new level of mistreatment going around. Instead of highlighting the scare tactics and manipulation, I want to highlight something more important, our promise to you.

We’re here to support your business as a partner.

We don’t aim to control how you run the business, what vendors you carry or how many logos are on your website. We are simply and purely your training agency. Our mission is to offer the best technology, best products, and absolute best customer service to your business and your clients. At SDI, we make money only after you make money.

Our success is dependent on your success.

Will you ever hear one of our reps telling you what you can and can’t sell in your store, to try to limit your profits? Absolutely not. They are resources from our awesome group of dive industry professionals. So don’t worry about big threats, offers to pay money or aggressive tactics. At SDI we’re interested in supporting your adventure and your passion, no matter if you’re a current customer or not interested in ever being our customer.

Respect is something that needs to be earned every day and we try our best.

We know how difficult the dive business can be. So we have to earn your business each day and this can only be accomplished by being a supportive partner and not a demanding one.

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