First Dive Insurance is here for you.

The staff of First Dive sincerely hopes you and your family are well during this pandemic.  It is great to see some locations opening back up again.

We have been getting many calls about our plans for the pending insurance renewal season and fielding queries on what we will be doing to assist our customers.  Thankfully, these phone calls end constructively and we have been hard at work behind the scene securing options to assist you.  These options are being utilized every day and have already assisted hundreds of customers getting ready to renew or who already have coverage with us.

The biggest issue we face, and indeed our biggest concern in finding options, is to maintain the value of our insurance product for existing customers who have already paid or are financing, while also assisting with COVID19 related issues, for those who need assistance.  To execute this fairly is no easy task.

When it comes to managing your risk and transferring it, there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.  That’s always been the mantra at First Dive and it hasn’t changed now.  What we can say is that we have reviewed the potential issues you may all be facing due to COVID19 related shutdowns and have multiple solutions depending on your specific situation.

Thus far we have:

  • Offered Layup credits to those with vessels.  That puts money back in our customers’ pockets.
  • Secured reduced pricing for those with Professional Liability exposures.
  • We can offer premises only coverage to those businesses which are shut.
  • Our brokers have worked with finance companies to defer payments as needed.
  • Other options are available on a case by case basis

It doesn’t matter whether it is your vessel, professional liability, or property coverages, we have options to assist.  We have the same A+ Rated security you need to use government-operated sites and to feel protected by the product you purchase.

If you are a new customer, we have the exact same options for you as well.  In times of perceived trouble, treating customers equally is very important to us.  

We are in the process of sending renewal notices as you are reading this.  The best thing to do, if you are an existing customer, is to complete a renewal application and reach out. Let us know where you are at.  Update your receipts based on how you see your year going, drop your broker an email, let them know if you want to change your financing options around, or want to add or delete certain coverages.  If you have any questions, ask.  That’s what we are here for and everyone is available to help find a solution to your specific situation if needed.

New customers can find us at

In a time when it’s very easy to get caught up in statistics and bullet points, propaganda, or panic we’re here to assist and provide information, handle queries or keep you sleeping knowing the world may be changing, but you are still protected.  

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