Responding to Market Shifts Keeps Us ALL Relevant



Diving Adventure Magazine goes on line June 2009, and that means greater exposure and opportunity for each and every one of our members… but your help is needed!

By Nestor Palmero

“The only constant is change” is a quote that some attribute back as far as Heraclitus a Greek Philosopher (c.535 BC- 475 BC) and it is a wisdom that we should all embrace, since it is more relevant now in business than ever.

The Publishing Business is in constant change, reinventing itself and evolving, Diving Adventure Magazine finds itself in the throes of that very evolution.

Carbon footprint, diminishing rain forests, run off effects on reefs worldwide…wait a minute!     This planet’s health is crucial to our business…what are we doing?

Well we are waking up and forging ahead and asking you to join us…come with us!

How does SDI, TDI and ERDI taking Diving Adventure Magazine on-line benefit you?

  • The Associate Members Newsletter (read your Divers) subscriptions will transfer to receive Diving Adventure Magazine on line.
  • You can extend an invitation with your compliments for a one year FREE subscription to Diving Adventure Magazine on-line  to every NEW Diver you certify, from NOW ON!
  • It gives you DIVING  NEWS to share with your Divers, while the publication strengthens the brands you represent SDI™, TDI™ and ERDI™
  • Diving Adventure Magazine online will reinforce the programs you teach  to your Divers urging their participation
  • The Travel you sell, at home and abroad, is reinforced and endorsed, urging your divers to stay active and GO DIVING!
  • The Pro Members Newsletter that only you receive (read NOT YOUR DIVERS) gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how you can capitalize on the ideas presented to your Divers in Diving Adventure Magazine online; all of which can directly and positively affect your business!
  • Our subscriber lists ARE NEVER SOLD, and yes many have asked!
  • How can you help?
  • Enroll your NEW Divers and everyone you can to receive the Diving Adventure Magazine online. Your divers always have the ability to unsubscribe at their leisure, if they so desire.
  • Tell your vendors to take a look at advertising in this publication if they want to sell their products and services to your customers via your store. Readership currently stands at  50,000 and thanks to you is constantly growing.
  • Submit your own articles and photography to our editors for consideration. Have an idea for a story? Pass it along. Have a challenge you need solved? Let us know.


Embrace the constant change and make it your own. The tree that bends under the weight of the snow upon its branches is the one that survives to grow old. Capture and cut and paste this story and make it part of your own Newsletter inviting your Divers to come aboard!


Maybe an easier concept for all of us to embrace in our business was Bob Dylan’s…”You best start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone… cause times they are a changin’ ”

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