Top 10 things to look for in 2014

Top 10

  1. This year, we expect to have our entire website converted to HTML so that it is fully compatible with mobile and tablet devices.
  2. In addition to a fully compatible website, we plan on updating the language from just English to a multilingual website.
  3. eLearning courses for
    • TDI Advanced Trimix
    • SDI Visual Inspection Procedures
    • ERDI Full Face Mask
  4. New and improved products for
    • Extended Range
    • Sidemount
    • ERDI II
    • Wreck, Boat and Drift
  5. A new eCommerce store
  6. More sponsored Tech dive training events with local instructors and facilities
  7. More Public Safety Diver events and demo days with ERDI and DUI
  8. Cool apparel and promotional material for divers and members
  9. New POP Display for dive facilities
  10. Increased use of technology including Videos, Webinars and Social Media to communicate better, faster and more efficiently with our members and facilities.
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