There are a number of things that every diver (and instructor) should know about scuba fin selection, use and care. To help you become a fin expert, SDI has put together four one-minute videos each covering the three key factors in fin selection, donning, kicking and post-dive care.

Would you like to know more? Each video links to an in-depth article on the subject. Impress your friends with your in-depth knowledge of this important piece of dive gear. Watch all five videos and read all five articles.

3 Tips to Selecting the Right Fins

Fin Selection

There are, of course, a number of features you will want to consider when selecting between various fin makes and models. To make sure you get the right fins, with the right features and fit, be sure to enlist the help of the experienced professionals at your local SDI Dive Center. They’ve helped match dozens of divers with the perfect fins and can do the same for you.

Donning Fins Correctly

Fin Donning

You would think that donning fins would be among the simplest of scuba skills, but they are easy to forget. Follow these steps to make it easier to remember, and to help you do it the correct way!

Choosing the Right Kick

Fin Kicks

Just as there is more than one way to skin the proverbial cat, there is more than one way to get from Point A to Point B under water. This is a good thing, as it not only allows you to choose the propulsion technique best suited for a particular situation, it also allows you to switch periodically between different kicks to help prevent cramping and exhaustion. Knowing all three kicks can help you handle your swim in any situation depending on the circumstances.

Caring for your Scuba Fins

Fin Care

There are, of course, a number of features you will want to consider when selecting between various fin makes and models. To make sure you get the right fins, with the right features and fit, be sure to enlist the help of the experienced professionals at your local SDI Dive Center. They’ve helped match dozens of divers with the perfect fins and can do the same for you.

Related Blog Articles

Caring for your Scuba Fins


Donning Fins Correctly

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