Scuba Diving Physical & Mental Benefits Help Treat PTSD

by Darren Pace:

For years, Scuba Diving International (SDI) has been providing courses for wounded soldiers in some of the most beautiful places in the world, such as Puerto Rico and Florida. Scuba diving not only takes the wounded heroes to some of the most scenic places around the world, but can also help soldiers suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Scuba diving helps by instilling confidence, letting them interact with other individuals who also have PTSD, and by allowing the soldiers to focus entirely on the process of learning to scuba dive, instead of thinking about their experiences during war. There are many other reasons why scuba diving has had profound effects on those who suffer from PTSD.

Enjoying The Sunlight

Numerous studies have indicated that sunlight can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of most psychological disorders. As UVB rays make contact with the skin, they cause the body to synthesize vitamin D. The human body is also known to produce a large amount of serotonin when sunlight comes into contact with the eyes.

Learning New Skills

Research has shown that the psychological impact of serious injuries has more substantial, negative effects on the lives of veterans than the physical wounds. In most cases, many of the soldiers who participate in these scuba diving programs were on the battlefield only three months prior to their first experience in the water. The process of studying and learning to dive will allow the individual to focus completely on recreational diving and possibly reduce the impact of negative thoughts for the first time since the soldier returned from the frontline.

Receiving A Certification

In addition to providing standard qualifications, Scuba Diving International has many other advanced certifications, such as: Advanced Diver, Computer Nitrox, and Solo Diver. During many of these courses, the individual will learn about the process of decompression and other advanced concepts from SDI's experts.

Making New Friends

Many soldiers who have been diagnosed with PTSD feel that nobody understands their condition. Several studies have shown that talking to other veterans will substantially enhance a wounded warrior's well-being, and accelerate the pace of the healing process of soldiers who have PTSD. Numerous people who have completed SDI's programs have indicated that they made new friends with whom they will remain in contact for the rest of their lives.

Physical Benefits

A soldier who has been seriously wounded will likely be forced to remain in bed for several weeks or months. As a result, the individual's muscles can begin to atrophy. When the veteran starts to participate in scuba diving, the injured person's muscles will slowly become much stronger, and the soldier's cardiovascular endurance will improve substantially.

Mitigating The Effects Of Associated Conditions

Frequently, individuals who have PTSD report symptoms of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. One study, conducted by Johns Hopkins, indicated that wounded veterans who finished multiple dives during one week were able to reduce their symptoms of depression and OCD by 15 percent.

Interacting With Marine Animals

Being near animals can lower a person's heart rate, reduce the amount of cortisol in the individual's body, and improve the soldier's well-being. When participating in scuba diving, the veteran will be able to observe fish of all types, stingrays, turtles and countless other species that inhabit our waters.

Teaching New Divers

Many of the veterans who completed SDI's courses have become instructors. Once an injured soldier learns to be an expert diver, he or she will be able to talk to more veterans who are in a similar position, and help these wounded soldiers to overcome their injuries or PTSD.

Getting Started

To sign up for a course or to find out more information, you can visit or call 1-888-778-9073.

Johns Hopkins MedicineFor more information about the study referenced in this article, please click here.

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