Wreck Diving: You can dive around it, learn to dive in it!
Photo by Bill Downey
While this can be hazardous to the untrained, those hazards can be reduced and it can be an exciting, and rewarding adventure for those who have taken the extra training to dive it correctly. The SDI Wreck Diver course will provide you with the skills necessary to dive through swim throughs or within the ambient light zone of the entry point of a wreck safely.
While diving inside a shipwreck can be fun and exciting, it can also be hazardous if the necessary precautions are not taken. The inside of a wreck can seem well lit and inviting when you are looking from the outside in, especially in the ambient light zone. However, there are many issues that many do not consider before venturing inside. Entanglement hazards and the silt that may have been accumulating undistributed for years can cause serious problems for the unprepared diver.
The SDI Wreck Limited Penetration Diver course will teach you how to manage these hazards; you will learn how to:
- properly plan a limited penetration dive
- avoid and manage a silt-out inside the wreck
- deploy and follow a guide line
- properly use dive lights
- how to map the wreck noting potential hazards for future dives.
These skills are essential tools for a penetration dive, no matter how benign it may seem when looking at it from the outside.
Whether you are trying to unlock the mystery of a long lost ship or just enjoy the beauty and marine life associated with wreck diving, attending an SDI Wreck Limited Penetration Diver course will provide you with valuable tools to enhance your wreck diving experiences. For more information on SDI Wreck Diving visit or your nearest SDI Dive Center or click here to learn more!
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Tel: 888.778.9073 | 207.729.4201
Email: Worldhq@tdisdi.com
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