Discover Cavern Diving
Photo credit Justin Heath
As divers, we often ask each other “How was the vis?” Rarely can we answer; “as far as the eye could see!” A cavern is not the environment you’re going to find waves that stir up the bottom. Any present water movement in and around many caverns worldwide typically pulls any present sediment away allowing for limitless visibility. Diving in the clear water of caverns allows one to feel like they are gliding through midair. You don’t have to search for that great “vis” when you can find it in the unexpected realm of cavern diving.
As a TDI Cavern Diver, you have the opportunity to get a “sneak peak” of the underwater realm inside of the earth. Within the limitations of your cavern training (ie; remain within the natural light zone, no farther than 200 linear feet from the surface, no restrictions and more) you have a plethora of new things to see while diving in this environment. Caverns around the world have visible fossils, stalagmites, stalactites and rock formations you typically cannot find in the open ocean. Taking the TDI Cavern Diver course is a great way to try something different and see something new.
You might be wondering, what is involved in the TDI Cavern Diver course? The objective of this course is to train divers in the proper planning, procedures, techniques and hazards of diving in caverns and the overhead environments. If you are over the age of 18 (15 with parental consent), can show proof of a SDI Open Water Scuba Diver certification or equivalent, and provide proof of a minimum of 25 logged dives, you meet the prerequisites for the program. During the TDI Cavern Diver course you will learn new swimming techniques by fine tuning your body posture / trim, buoyancy control and learn how to properly deploy and follow a guideline. Have you ever seen people in the water that make diving look so effortless? By fine tuning your diving techniques you can get closer to becoming one of those divers.
Contact SDI TDI and ERDI
If you would like more information, please contact our World Headquarters or your Regional Office.
Tel: 888.778.9073 | 207.729.4201
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