SDI’s Rescue Diver eLearning Course is Coming June 3, 2013

rescue-diverIn an effort to continue to provide our members with the most up to date materials, using our customized elearning platform, SDI is happy to announce the next addition to eLearning will be Rescue Diver. This is a great course and one of the most valuable training you can get in scuba. The Rescue Diver course is designed teach you how to self rescue and prepares you to recognize a problem with another diver and teaches the skills needed to render assistance.

After completing this course you will be a better diver, you will have a greater understanding of your limitations and most important you will be trained to assist other divers in bad situations. This is a great course for buddy teams and is highly recommended for any advanced diver. As a rescue diver, you will be one step closer to becoming a divemaster.

Be on the lookout for elearning’s Rescue Diver coming June 3, 203. For more information about eLearning courses, visit us at:

If you would like more information about eLearning or to schedule an appointment with SDI, please contact our world headquarters or your regional office:
Tel: 888.778.9073 | 207.729.4201

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