
Five things not to do in video meetings

Five Things NOT to do on Video Meetings

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that video meetings will continue to remain a vital part of our lives. They are now how business is conducted, how education is received, and much more. What we are suggesting in this post are some simple guidelines for successful video meetings.

Are SDI Instructors good leaders

SDI Instructors: Good Leaders in Tight Spots

A couple of years ago, an educator contacted us about conducting a survey of our members; he explained he was conducting research in pursuit of a higher education degree, and we agreed. The instructor was looking for detailed information about the types of leaders we have in our community of instructors. He shares a shortened version of his findings. Check out our article to find out whether SDI instructors are quality leaders or not.


2020 Renewals (German)

First Dive Insurance is here for you

Freediving in the Time of Novel Coronavirus

„I just received a kit that I didn’t order“

From time to time our Training and Membership Services team gets a call from a confused dealer. They have just gotten a package they didn’t order and want to make sure they aren’t being charged for it at full retail price to boot! We’re clearing up why this happens and hopefully calming your nerves while we’re at it.

Additional Ratings with OWSDI Ratings

Here we go again making things easier for even our newest members. Open Water Instructor ratings will now automatically be issued THREE ratings when they register or crossover to SDI. Learn more about how this works and the old process now.