
Additional Ratings with OWSDI Ratings

Here we go again making things easier for even our newest members. Open Water Instructor ratings will now automatically be issued THREE ratings when they register or crossover to SDI. Learn more about how this works and the old process now.

Changes to the SDI Pro Open Water Instructor Kit

Change is good. With that said we are announcing changes to our SDI Pro Open Water Instructor Kit. As apart of our effort to push our green initiative in 2019 we are working to reduce the number or paper products that leave HQ. Find out more about how that effects this kit specifically.

First Response – Out with the Old, In with The New

We’re moving outside of the diving industry with First Response Training International. With new times comes new programs and we aren’t holding back. We are excited for what First Response Training has brought to International Training and can’t wait to see how it will change the world outside of diving.

Get to Know ITI: Product & Web Development

We here at International Training pride ourselves on being a family. With that said we want to introduce you to our staff and keep you up to date on what’s going on here in South Florida at our World HQ office. First up, Product and Web Development.

How to Choose a Training Agency as a Dive Shop

Choosing a training agency for your dive shop isn’t a choice you should take lightly. Afterall this is the company you are representing and ultimately vouching for. We’re explaining five things you should think about when deciding who you should go with.

The Value of Scuba from the Consumer and Retailer

What do you look for when shopping for scuba gear? Have you been questioned “What’s you life worth?” when comparing prices online versus in-store? Read it straight from the word of a dive shop owner on valuing your home dive center over just simply price shopping.

Switching to SDI

Do you know the differences in teaching an SDI course versus teaching another agency’s courses? With SDI you might find that we offer a more flexible training schedule as well as the chance to become a more proficient diver from the start. In an SDI course, you’ll learn buoyancy control as well as how to use your computer from the moment you step in the water. We aren’t in a rush to get divers in and out of courses, our goal is create divers who are confident in their skills.

A Message from Brian

Brian Carney, President of International Training, has a heartfelt message for our members. We want to promise you our support and let you know that your success is our success.

Why Buying Macaroni is a lot like buying Dive Insurance

Two things you’d probably never expect to hear in the same sentence, macaroni, and dive insurance. Believe it or not, these two things are more alike than one might think of on their own. Learn more about why buying macaroni and buying dive insurance are similar from Ryan Mayer of First Dive.

A Message from Steph

Why does International Training standout over other training organizations? Two words, customer service. When it comes down to it, people want to do business with people, that’s why when you call headquarters you’ll always get a friendly voice on the other end who is also a trained dive professional to answer your questions or concerns.