
A deep dive into public safety training - long term planning

A Deep Dive Into Public Safety Dive Training – Long Term Planning

Join Dr. Thomas Powell and Alan Cale as they chat about all things public safety diving. They’re doing a deep dive into public safety diving long-term planning. While things might be slow in the current COVID19 times, there are still things we can do while the world is on pause.

Can I dive with a Disability?

This may or may not be a common question you’ve heard in the past as the diver friend, an instructor, or even a dive shop owner. The truth is, most of the time the answer to this question is, yes. However, we’re breaking this down further to talk more about how taking a scuba course with a handicap might go. Hint: it might not be as different as you think.

The Importance of Staying On Top Of Your Diving Gear Maintenance Tasks

Most folks want all the cool gear but don’t actually want to or know how to properly care for it. In this article, we’ll delve into which pieces of gear you should be looking at, who should perform the maintenance, and how to fix it.

Volunteer Dive Team Success: Leadership, Supervision & Evaluation

Three things that can take a volunteer dive team from good to great. They are leadership, supervision and education. To give you a bit more insight as to how they can help teams, we’re breaking down each of them, explaining what they mean and how you can implement them.

Deteriorating Skills and the Recreational Diver

Some of us don’t get to get in the water as much as we’d like to. Sadly, those are just the facts of life for some of us. However, when it DOES come time to get back in are you taking the time to make sure you’re ready?

Happiness, Skills, and Safety

Do you know the three most important things about each Open Water Course? What if we told you that making sure these three things happen in every course could help GROW the dive industry. Read: Your business, too!

Jump On Board Or Not: Latest Trends In The World Of Public Safety Divers

Public safety diving has been getting more media and news attention lately and this has led us to believe there might be a need for some clarification on a few things.

The Value of Scuba from the Consumer and Retailer

What do you look for when shopping for scuba gear? Have you been questioned “What’s you life worth?” when comparing prices online versus in-store? Read it straight from the word of a dive shop owner on valuing your home dive center over just simply price shopping.

What is a Real Public Safety Dive Team Made of?

Think about this, what would happen if dive teams worked together? If two neighboring counties could rely on each other for equipment, support and even training? Public safety would almost become an easier job, wouldn’t it?

Do You Need a Refresher as a PSD?

Think about it, how long have you been a public safety diver? Keep that going, how long has it been since you took a public safety diving course? Most importantly, how do you know when it’s time for a refresher?