How to Attach a Bolt Snap to Dive Equipment

by Dillon Waters

Bolt snaps are used in a variety of ways with technical gear configurations, and attaching one to their scuba gear is something most divers will need to do at some time or another. Whether you just purchased a new regulator set that needs a bolt snap on the primary regulator and SPG or you are replacing an old clip on a dive light, you need to know how to attach the new snap correctly.

When attaching a bolt snap to your scuba gear, you will want to ensure the connection is strong enough to avoid accidental breakage if snagged, yet it should be something that you can cut or easily remove in an entanglement. It is because of these stipulations most choose to attach bolt snaps to their equipment using braided nylon line. Nylon line is readily available, cheap to replace, durable enough to withstand a great deal of abuse, and it can be easily cut if required.

Below is a step by step guide of how to tie a bolt snap to your gear using nylon line.

What will you need?

  1. 2ft of Braided Nylon (Cave) Line
  2. Bolt Snap
  3. Item Being Attached
  4. Shears
  5. Lighter

It is important to remember to tie the bolt snap tightly to reduce the movement of the clip on whatever you are attaching it to. When attaching a snap to a hose, you can tighten up the knot enough so that the snap will “stand up”, making it easier to grab and clip onto your D-ring.

How to securely attach the bolt snap.

To begin, you will wrap the nylon line around the hose and through the eye of the bolt snap three times as shown below.

Then, you need to tighten up the line to allow the desired distance between the bolt snap and the object.

Next, tie an overhand knot so that it rests against the bolt snap. Pull the knot tightly to secure it and pass the two ends of the line backwards between the bolt snap and the hose.

Now turn over the entire assembly so that you’re looking at the other side. Tie an overhand knot tight enough to snug up the lines running between the bolt snap and the hose. Then, tie a second overhand knot, reverse of the previous one, to make a square knot. Pull the knot very tight.

To complete the knot, trim each end of the line, leaving about 0.25 in free. Burn the ends of the excess line and use the bottom of the lighter to flatten or mushroom the top of burned ends. This helps to avoid the line getting pulled through the knot. Another alternative would be to place a drop of super glue directly on the knot to keep it secure.

Now that the knot is complete, we must examine and test it. Twist it, pull on it, and look for any signs of weakness. You do not want bolt snaps falling off of essential gear, so if it looks questionable, cut the knot and start over.

With the variety of uses for bolt snaps in the diving world, sooner or later most divers will need to attach one to a piece of their scuba gear. Taking the information from this article into consideration while doing so will help ensure a successful and long-lasting attachment of your bolt snap anywhere you need to put it!

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