Diving Nitrox – Managing Nitrogen Exposures

Let’s review the methods used to plan a nitrox dive by focusing on table-based nitrox planning, related to nitrogen considerations.

Nitrogen-limitsNitrogen Limits and EAD
Nitrogen exposures are omnipresent in diving, and must be carefully monitored for every dive. These exposures are related to the risk of DCS. In order to properly manage this risk, appropriate exposure limits have been identified for air when used as the diver’s breathing mix.
Nitrogen Limits »

Air-Dive-TablesUsing EAD with Air Dive Tables
In nitrox dive planning, the EAD information (once determined) is simply applied to a standard set of air dive tables; the tables plot the dose of nitrogen experienced by the diver, based upon depth and time. In practice, a diver certainly may use any air dive tables with which he is comfortable. The TDI version of the US Navy dive tables again are used here for demonstration, with the same tables depicting both Metric and Imperial values.
EAD and Air Dive Tables »



nitrox-tablesDive Planning with EANx, EAD and NOAA Nitrox Tables
Divers may use the same graphic representation of the dive profile, now adding the nitrox mix and appropriate EAD information, to assist in the planning.

NOAA (US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) has long relied upon the US Navy dive tables for standard use by NOAA divers. In developing their nitrox program, NOAA adopted the use of EAD tables for the planning of nitrox dives.
EANx, EAD and NOAA Nitrox Tables »

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