How BIG is Tech Diving?

20 Years of Global Dive Certifications Released by TDI, The World’s Largest Technical Diving Organization

For far too long the dive industry has remained cloaked in secrecy regarding who is getting certified and in which courses, especially when it comes to Technical Diving.  We hear many people state that technical diving is an emerging market, but how do we really know this and where is the supporting data?

Brian Carney, President of Technical Diving International (TDI), released 20 years of certification data during his presentation at TEKDiveUSA.  Do you want to know the country in which technical diving enjoys the greatest popularity?  Ever hear someone claim that more people are getting trained in XYZ rebreather than in any other?  These are just two of the data sets that Brian addressed at this highly anticipated presentation.

This is slated to be much more than another boring statistical presentation.  It is the first time any organization has released its certification numbers in detail for the general public to form their own conclusions about the popularity of technical diving courses.

This is a must-see presentation for those seeking an accurate representation of today’s technical diving market.

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