Topsham, ME, August 8th 2006 | |
TDI announces all new Nitrox manual and support materialsTDI released new teaching and learning materials today for its popular and ground-breaking Nitrox course. These materials include a student manual, knowledge review, instructor guide and NEW Instructor Resource CD (includes PowerPoint, exams and an electronic instructor guide) all of which have been completely re-written and redesigned to meet the agency’s new training materials guidelines and reflecting the learning needs of today’s Nitrox diver candidate.
The TDI student manual includes more than 60 specially created illustrations and photographs in a 120-page perfect-bound format. TDI’s Nitrox course teaches students to execute dives utilizing Nitrox mixtures up to 40%. “The first thing students will notice about our brand-new Nitrox manual is that learning objectives and key concepts for each of its nine chapters are highlighted and clearly defined,” said Steve Lewis “The content covers the benefits of Nitrox, Equivalent Air Depth concept, oxygen toxicity, and nitrox equipment considerations.” Lewis, director of product development for International Training, further explained that the support materials for TDI’s Nitrox program have also been redesigned from the ground up. “What our instructors will notice is that the instructor guide and PowerPoint® materials have been structured in a way that will assist them to present the most complex concepts of Nitrox diving in a concise and organized fashion reflecting the needs of today’s diver education.” “TDI Nitrox materials are available for immediate shipment” stated David Burroughs VP of Sales and Marketing. He went on to say “This is just the first of our manuals being rewritten and reworked. During 2006 many of the current TDI manuals have had a new look and are being updated with latest technical information available to today’s divers.” To purchase the Nitrox Materials email, call 1 207 729-4201 or contact your local regional office. For more information on Technical Diving International (TDI) visit: |
Nitrox Program Release
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