PSI Letter

Dear SDI/TDI/ERDI VIP Instructors,

As many of you know, this past year we re-wrote and re-designed our Visual Inspection Program for cylinders. This was done in large part because our old materials had become outdated and needed to be revised. The launch of the new program and materials has been one of the most successful we have ever had, mainly due to the use of a new media platform, eLearning, to supplement classroom training for the program.

Unfortunately another organization, PSI/PCI, who had a perceived monopoly on cylinder inspection training, does not like this competition. As a result, they are sending out the attached letter to any SDI/TDI/ERDI Member who has taken our course and is also a PSI/PCI Instructor, removing them from their organization. SDI/TDI/ERDI has never taken the position that if you train with another organization you can’t be a member of ours. As a matter of fact, we openly encourage members to be a part of many training organizations. This is because it keeps us honest and forces us to improve our materials and earn your business every day.

It is unfortunate that PSI/PCI has taken this position, as the organization has done a lot of great things for the industry over the years. Bill High is an innovator, and a person for whom I have a great deal of respect.

We will continue to openly encourage our members to look to other organizations, PSI/PCI included, to find the materials and support that they deserve. If another organization can do something better than us, it is our responsibility to improve so that we can earn your business back. That is the beauty of a competitive market place.

If you are interested in our programs, or have concerns about the letters you may be receiving, feel free to contact us directly and we will assist in any way we can. If you have not had a chance to see our new cylinder inspection manual or eLearning course, please contact us, we will be happy to send you a sample.

In the meantime, keep up the excellent training!


Brian Carney –


P.S. Our cylinder inspection programs are recognized by the USDOT, CGA, and cylinder manufacturers. In addition, the training course is fully insured, and the policy negotiated directly, with Lloyds of London.

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