A Message from Steph

My primary focus and my passion is customer service. It is one of the major reasons why I started working here almost 20 years ago. The company’s philosophy has always been and continues to be, people doing business with people. That’s an important distinction and one that all of our customers, vendors and partners understand and appreciate.

We’ve distinguished ourselves by always being transparent and offering open lines of communication.

In today’s marketplace, people don’t want to do business with a faceless corporation that enters the industry for a short amount of time, just to make a buck. They want to work with other dedicated people and develop long-standing relationships. Through email communication, verbal communication, online chat or face-to-face talk, we strive to be a group of professionals that doesn’t demand your business. We earn it.

That’s why we have real dive professionals answering the phones, not somebody reading from a script.

So we encourage you to visit us here at headquarters in sunny Florida. You will get a personalized tour and finally be able to put faces with the names you’ve been communicating with. Be sure to bring some biscuits with you as our K-9 crew would be very appreciative. This type of service isn’t just a model for us. It’s what we apply to every interaction, it’s what we look for in our vendors and it’s what we love about our members and facilities.

Whether you’re a diver getting a replacement card, a dive professional or a dive center owner, when you contact International Training, you’re working with people and not a faceless corporation. So give us a call, chat in on the website or fire off an email. We’re always here to help. People do business with people. Thanks for watching.

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