Trimix & Sidemount Part 2

W tej części postaram się przedstawić kilka moich pomysłów i wniosków w kwestii procedur i rozwiązań sprzętowych dla nurkowań sidemount trimix. Mój artykuł podzieliłem na 3 części, w pierwszej opowiem o konfiguracji butli na nurkowań sidemount trimix, w drugiej o urządzeniach wypornościowych, a w trzeciej o dodatkowych elementach sprzętu, których rozłożenie może być specyficzne właśnie dla nurków sidemount.


Tank Valve Etiquette

As with many outdated habits in the scuba industry, there are a couple surrounding tank valves that simply refuse to die.  This article serves to identify the two most heinous and commonly occurring of the valve violations.  Changing these habits now could save your reputation and even your life.

Do You Tip Your Flight Attendant?

Tipping can be a delicate topic that people tend to awkwardly dance around at times.


¿Qué modelo descompresivo usar?, ¿Qué diferencias hay entre ellos?, ¿Cómo aprovechar las ventajas de cada uno?

Why Should They Tip Me?

Take a hard look and ask yourself, “What are we doing well, and what can we do better?”

eLearning Signup Through Your Facility: Now What?

This can be exciting and a little intimidating if you do not have experience working with eLearning students.

Tools and Resources for Facilities

Often when a new dive center joins the SDI-TDI-ERDI family there is a bit of a learning curve with all the new tools and resources that they now have access to.

A Core Standard for a New Public Safety Diver

A core standard for training public safety divers is essential. Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) has worked to develop a set of training protocols where equipment, safety planning, and operational activities are pre-designed to follow NFPA and OSHA guidelines.

4 Things You Can Do to Become a Better PSD

Many dive team members join as basic open water divers with minimal experience. To help this type of individual be a better public safety diver, there are many actions he or she can take.