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Meet Our Pups!

Unleashing Joy: Happy National Dog Day!

At SDI, every day is a celebration when our furry friends are around, but today we’re rolling out the red carpet in honor of National Dog Day! Our office is brimming with wagging tails, happy barks, and the occasional stray tennis ball, thanks to the wonderful dogs who brighten our days. From their playful antics to their comforting presence, these canine companions add a special spark to our workplace that we absolutely cherish. Join us as we celebrate the joy, laughter, and unconditional love that our office dogs bring into our lives!

Brian Shreve + Zada Belle Mocha Sheriff

AKA: Zada, Z, Z-dog, Grouchy Grandma

Zada is the best dog ever and loves just about everyone. She has to make her rounds and say “Hi” to everyone at the office when she comes in. She loves swimming, playing on the beach, and playing tug and keep away.

Zada loves apples, olives and blueberries and will drool for them until she gets one.

Brian Shreve + Abby Raya

AKA: Abs, Meth Lab, Turbo, Labrigator

Abby was sold to us as a registered lab, but is half Australian Cattle Dog. She’s a bit wary of new people, but once she warms up to someone look out! Definitely not a swimmer, she’s still fascinated with the pool. Loves playing fetch and tug and cuddling with her dad.

Abby has a very strong herding instinct and heels her sister when they play

Aero Obadias, Xanax Prometheus + Maggie

Aero “Ro” Wright:

  • Had bright green eyes as a puppy
  • Howls when he’s excited to see you
  • Only likes to lay on the floor looking like a bear rug; the “man’s man” type of dog
  • His first name comes from my family’s love of planes and Air Force background; his middle name comes from the Bible

Xanax “Z” Wright:

  • Sleeps like a human with his head on a pillow and likes to spoon
  • Deathly afraid of warm laundry out of the dryer and fake sneezes
  • The happiest soul, he is “smiling” most of the time
  • His first name comes from him being a small, white, verrry sleepy puppy (and thinking it was funny, not that it would end up on a website); his middle name comes from the movie

Fun Fact: “Ro” and “Z” are brothers from the same litter and are a Pitbull & Cur mix!

Nox + Cody

AKA: Dudes, Doodle girl

Nox is a super friendly girl who loves to play with any ball, and chase her little brother around the house (Zeus, he is a Maine Coon cat who was pretty much raised by Nox)

Nox is an expert at catching frisbee, and loves belly scratches.

Favorite Song: Anything by Hozier.

Remington, Chewbacca, Grimsby + Rick Carlson

AKA (left to right): Remi,  Chewy,  Grim

Believe it or not, Chewy is the ringleader of this pack! He’s been with Rick and his wife Nikki for over 10 years; that doesn’t mean he has any less energy than the younger dogs though! Remi came into the family a couple of years back after his previous home wasn’t working out. He and Chewy became instant friends and are rarely in different rooms from each other. Grimsby is our newest addition; he’s only a couple of months old but already becoming quite the character! While Chewy is still warming up to Grimsby, Remi couldn’t be more excited to have a new friend to roughhouse with. These pups love going on hikes and traveling with their owners, but at the end of the day, nothing beats curling up on the couch, patiently waiting for the chance to defend the home against the mailman.

Arizona + Fabiana

AKA: Zozo, Zoni, AZ

Arizona is a sweet and affectionate 2-year-old German Shepherd. Zozo almost ate my husband alive the day of rehoming, she is shy around strangers and new things, but she’s blossomed into a playful pup who loves spending time with her humans. We adopted her 8 weeks ago, and it’s been amazing to see her gain confidence and explore the world. Her favorite way to greet us? Showering us with toys (it can be quite the trail!) and melting into a puddle of love when we finally give her some well-deserved belly rubs.

Fun Fact: Arizona may seem a little unsure of the world, but she has a surprising talent: No matter how long we’ve been gone, she always greets us at the door with a trail of toys as a welcome-home gift! And it keeps coming!

Favorite Song Lyric:

We haven’t quite figured out Arizona’s taste in music, but judging by her enthusiastic tail wags during car rides, we’re guessing it’s something with a good beat – like “Who Let the Dogs Out? Who, who, who”

Maverick + Jessica

Hi, my name is Maverick Floof Brown.

I love everyone and think everything is food. My pastimes include zoomies, chewing, walks and playing with my bestie Zane (the tiny human in the house). A fun fact about me is that I love chasing my tail but only do it upside down just like how I sleep.

Kila, Tiva, Luna + Jadie

(Left to right)  Kila (chocolate lab mix – age 1), Tiva (red heeler and Australian Shepard – age 7), Luna (German shepherd/Rottweiler/boxer mix?? – Age 11).

All 3 of them are Idaho farm mutts and rescues. We have had all of them since they were under 1 and they traveled across the country with us last year. All 3 of them are very energetic and terrorize their feline siblings. They also have 2 human brothers that they would protect with their lives (they also eat really well because of these boys).

Favorite Song: The Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Tavi + Chris

AKA: T-bone, Bubs, Jackass

My name is Tavi, after Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, and I am a six-year-old Dutch Shepherd.  Every morning is like Christmas morning for me.  I have an amazing zest for life and am always on the go, I hate not having a job to do!  I don’t care about other dogs, so I help my dad teach dogs that are fearful or just aggressive how to behave in public, so they don’t get into trouble with the dog catcher.

For fun times, I love to push my way between my favorite people’s legs so they can squeeze me and scratch my back.  I also very much enjoy barking, playing disc, ball, barking, running on my treadmill, cuddles with dad, barking, running, swimming, barking, running more, jumping, barking while running, barking while jumping, training, and I love playing French Ring to catch the bad guys (that’s a protection sport that was created to show people I have what it takes to be a Dutch Shepherd).”

Fun fact: Tavi can scale an 8-foot wall with ease, but respects a 2-foot gate to keep him where he’s supposed to be.

Favorite Lyrics:

“(Don’t stop me now) I’m having such a good time, I’m having a ball

(Don’t stop me now) If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call

(Don’t stop me now) ‘cause I’m having a good time

(Don’t stop me now) yes, I’m havin’ a good time, I don’t wanna stop at all, yeah” – Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen

Luna + Viviana

AKA: Miss Mamas, Miss Ma’am, Loon(atic)

Not your ordinary german shepherd. Luna is more cat than dog and her brain may be smoother than most – she enjoys sleeping (in extremely inconvenient spots), giving sassy side eye glances, and herding dogs that she has no business herding.

Fun Fact: Her mother picked her out of a litter of 7 and chose her due to the fact that she wasn’t paying her potential owner any attention and was too busy eating dirt

Favorite song:  Pretty sure she just has the Nintendo Wii – Mii channel instrumental music playing in her head at all times – no thoughts, just instrumental music to zone out to.

Drake, Gambino + Yalitza


AKA – Drakey, Stinkylicious, Chicken nugget

Drake is a rambunctious goldendoodle that has no idea he’s a big dog. He loves attention and giving hugs.


AKA –Bino Bino, Gambi, Stinky

Gambino is a shy pup but don’t let his cuteness fool you.  He’s quick to put his playful big brother Drake in check and very protective of his family.

Fun Fact: Drake and Gambino are a year apart and actual brothers just different litters.

Mickey, Nena + Rosa

Mickey is a black and gray dachshund/yorkie mix and he is 14 yrs old. He is toothless and has somewhat of a bossy attitude! Mickey loves sleeping either on top of random items or under large blankets. Nena is a brown pomeranian/pekingese mix. She is 12 yrs old. Nena is  the opposite of Mickey, she is very chill, playful and loves kids.  I don’t think they have a favorite song, but their favorite phrases are, “good morning!” “chicken” and “let’s go to the park”…

Fun fact: They are a couple. I am still not sure how he managed to climb on her.

Lucy + Phil

AKA:  Lucifer, Loosey Goosey, Goosifer

Before living harmoniously with her current family of 5, she descended from the heavens and was bestowed as a gift upon humanity. Her immense energy and adventurous spirit is accompanied by her loyal, very friendly, and extremely loving spirit… with a spritz of rambunctiousness. Is she here for humanity’s benefit or to help its inevitable downfall? Time will tell.

Fun fact: Lies flat on her stomach with her legs sticking out to look like an “H”

Favorite Song Lyric: “Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake”- Ms. Umba-rella

Luna + Brian and Steph

AKA: Luna-tic, Mamasita, Little Tunes

Luna is the alpha of the pups, and is very judgy of outfits, food choices, and pretty much anything.

Fun fact: She has a great side eye.

Favorite Song: “Move” by Ludicrous

JJ (left) + Brian and Steph

AKA: Double J, Handsome Ham

JJ has a couple loves in his life, tennis balls and the pool.

Fun fact: JJ can dive to the bottom of a 6ft pool and pick up objects

Favorite Song: Who let the dogs out!?

Andy + Brian and Steph

Aka: Andrew, Andy-wu

Andy is a half good boy, he’s loveable, very intelligent, and loves getting into trouble. Andy’s also catnip for the Lady dogs in the office. All the ladies love Andy

Fun fact: Andy can open latch doors.

Favorite Song: Andy likes old school rap, Wootang clan, ludicrous.

Flynn + Wes Kilgore

Flynn had three homes before his first birthday, each with its own challenges. Known for their loud and destructive behavior, hounds like Flynn can be tough for inexperienced families. His first family returned him to the pound, where he was chipped before being adopted by a college student who couldn’t keep him. Flynn wandered off and was found by neighbors of a law enforcement friend. Unable to keep him due to severe allergies, my family took him in overnight. We discovered Flynn’s past and contacted his previous owner, who was hesitant to take him back. We offered to help find him a new home, but my wife’s comments about Flynn’s striking eyes led us to keep him. Flynn quickly bonded with us and is now a cherished member of our family, even if he’s a bit of a lap dog at 80 pounds.

Jesse + Alan

AKA: Jess Jess, Jealousy, Lil’ Nugget

  • Border Collie
  • Illinois raised –> Florida Living
  • I love long walks on the beach, riding in trucks, camping, and all the animals I see
  • Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand
  • I love to cuddle on the couch or in bed while watching tv
  • Some have called me a “Stage 5 Clinger,” but I just have a lot of love to give
  • Yes, this is my natural hair color
  • Come to HQ if you are looking to play games with me

Fun fact: Tripod!

Duke + Cris Merz

AKA: Dukers Poopers, Dukester

Duke is an 11 yr. old Great Pyrenees mixed with a lot of other breeds. He is 118 lbs and enjoys eating…anything.  Everything – which is obvious by his weight. His playtime involves chasing a ball that has treats in it or going hunting in the back yard to protect the home from lizards, frogs, possums and raccoons.

Fun Fact: If you drive an Amazon or UPS truck, you are his sworn mortal enemy.

Favorite Song: “Dukers Poopers, Dukers Dukers Poopers…” Sung to ABBA’s “Super Trooper”.