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We know finding new customers can be a struggle. Creating an entire marketing campaign takes time and money…and you’d prefer to use your time and money to provide the best experience possible for your customers. That’s why we decided to create the campaigns for you. Our goal is to help you start generating leads so you can focus on running your business, because at the end of the day, your success, is our success.

View Campaigns

Learn to Dive

Everything you need to market your Open Water Scuba Diver course on your website, through email, and on social media. This campaign includes full instructions for implementation, a mock landing page you can recreate on your website, a professional video, various social media posts and the media to accompany them, and a series of emails to share with potential divers.

First Response Promotional Materials

An assortment of materials designed to get your customers excited to learn CPR and First Aid courses (and let them know you teach those courses, too!) These materials include a flyer, a brochure, and a CPR wallet card — which people excitedly carry around with them everywhere they go. We even left space to add your own logo to each of the materials and full instructions on how to make it happen.