Nitrox Diving Equipment for Scuba

If you already own dive equipment — an exposure suit, BCD, regulators and so on — you can dive with Nitrox mixtures containing 40 percent oxygen or less, without purchasing any additional equipment. There are a couple of things you may contemplate purchasing (a simple Nitrox analyzer for example) but you can take full advantage of diving Nitrox without any further financial outlay.

That said, we will take a look at some minor modifications that you’ll need to make to your gear. We will also take note of a couple of things that you should know in case you decide to purchase dedicated Nitrox diving equipment in the future.

TankTank Preparation, Marking and Identification
If you own tanks and intend to use them for Nitrox diving (and you should!) there are a couple of things you need to do before filling them with your personal mix. Click here >

RegulatorRegulators Designed for Nitrox Service
It is not essential to buy a special regulator if you only plan to dive with mixtures containing 40 percent oxygen or less. Almost any regulator you already own can be used for this type of service, with no special modifications or cleaning. Click here >

Dive-ComputersNitrox Dive Computers
Most dedicated Nitrox computers simultaneously track and display your nitrogen absorption for decompression calculations and your oxygen exposure. If you are making multiple deep dives in a single day, this type of information is extremely important. Click here >

ThermalThermal Protection is needed for longer dives
To get the full benefit of diving with Nitrox, you’ll need to be sure that you are wearing adequate thermal protection for the waters where you dive. Whether you dive in the tropics or in colder waters, the extended bottom times provided by Nitrox will usually necessitate more thermal protection/insulation than you might ordinarily wear. Click here >

O2-AnalyzerOxygen Analyzer
Oxygen analyzers are electronic devices that are used to measure the percentage of oxygen in a gas mixture. They run on batteries and most are equipped with a sensor that measures the percentage of oxygen in a gas mixture. Click here >

Equipment-RisksEquipment Risks
A final word about Nitrox safety. In your research into Nitrox, you may have heard that there are fire and explosion risks when you use gas mixtures that have oxygen levels greater than present in air (higher than 21 percent). Click here >

Get Certified for Nitrox Diving.

Learn Advanced Nitrox Diving.

Contact SDI TDI and ERDI
If you would like more information, please contact:

Tel: 888.778.9073 | 207.729.4201

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