The #1 Reason Scuba Divers Die

Scuba diving is a great sport and like any activity it is not without its risks.

The Proper Way to Surface

Have you developed the skills and confidence to execute a proper safety stop and surfacing procedure?

Do What You Love as a Career

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – C. S. Lewis

Пештерско Нуркање

Убавините на пештерското нуркање, процедури и обуки, како и ризиците кои ги носи овој екстремен спорт.

Introducing Tim Wagner

Tim Wagner is joining SDI/TDI/ERDI as the Southwest/Hawaii Regional Manager.

PSD Night Operations

To find the limits for your team, training is essential. Practice night operations before you attempt them in the real world.

Full Face Mask Communications

If your team has new systems or needs to be brought up to date on how systems work, seek out training.

Mask Clear Portuguese