Mask Defog Portuguese

ERDI Brasil

Decompression Theory – Part 1

There is a common misconception within the recreational diving community that decompression theory is a well understood process.

Accident Analysis – Near Fatal 5 Minute Pre-breathe

What can we learn from this very near miss?


Zale Parry – The First Lady of Diving

TDI Equivalent Ratings with Other Scuba Diving Agencies

The goal of posting that equivalency chart was to provide a resource for divers and dive professionals to help navigate the web of diver certifications.

Una breve historia de International Training (SDI / TDI / ERDI)

Desde sus humildes inicios en 1994 hasta hoy, el grupo de agencias de entrenamiento, conocido como Scuba Diving International (SDI), Technical Diving International (TDI), y Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI), formaron una de las mayores agencias de certificación del mundo.

¡Bienvenidos a nuestra familia!

Como Oficina Regional para América Latina Sur nos ponemos en contacto con usted para ofrecerle una oportunidad única de realizar un IDC completo o crossover a un precio especial.

Divemaster Briefings

3 ways listening to the divemaster can actually benefit your dive.