I have a question?
Where to get the right answer

Article by Mark Powell

Whether you are an instructor trainer with SDI or have only just completed your crossover it is inevitable that you will sometimes have questions. Where do I find this piece of information? Is this certification recognized as equivalent as a prerequisite for a course? Is this site suitable for this course? How do I deal with this teaching situation? Why did that error occur? Which form do I use for this process? How do I do this on the website? Why did that error occur?

The good news is that there is a whole range of SDI staff ready and waiting to answer your questions. Our staff love talking to our divers, instructors, course directors and instructor trainers so don’t worry about getting in contact with your questions. We want to get to know you and your business so we love talking to our customers about their business, their local area, what diving you are doing and we particularly love hearing about your pets and family.

There are a range of ways SDI can help answer your question. Below I have listed the various ways you can contact us and when to use each method.

I have a question

Ask your Instructor Trainer/Course Director

If you are a new instructor or have just done a crossover from another agency with an IT or CD then they are a good resource for questions. The relationship between an instructor and their IT/CD is an ongoing relationship. 

When to contact your IT/CD

  • When you know you did cover this topic in your IDC/crossover but you have forgotten
  • When you think you know the answer but just want some reassurance
  • If you do not speak English and you want to speak to someone in your own language
  • If you are in a completely different timezone to HQ and want to speak to someone immediately
  • For advice on local laws, regulations or procedures
  • To maintain the relationship with your IT/CD

I have a question

Contact your regional support center.

We have a network of support centers around the world who are available to answer your questions. If you don’t know which is your regional office or how to contact them you can go to 


and select your country, the page will then show you the regional office that serves your country together with key contacts, email and telephone details.

When to contact your support center

  • If you do not speak English and you want to speak to someone in your own language
  • If you are in a completely different timezone to HQ and want to speak to someone immediately
  • To order physical products
  • For advice on local laws, regulations or procedures
  • As a first port of call for any query
  • If you want to chat about your dive centers, fun dives, family, pets or any other topic

I have a question

Contact Training and Membership Services at HQ

SDI HQ is in Stuart Florida in the US and is just a few miles from the Florida Coast which means that there is some fantastic diving within 30mins of the office. If you turn right out of the office, it is a few hours to North Florida cave country but if you turn left, you are a couple of hours from the Florida Keys. The time zone in Stuart Florida is Eastern Standard Time (EST). 

The TMS team at HQ are available to support more complex questions and to deal with specific training queries. On the website you can go to the Meet The Team page and scroll down to the Training and Membership Services section to see the team that will be answering your questions. Most of the team are SDI Instructors or even Instructor Trainers so have in depth knowledge of the industry.  You can contact TMS by phone, email or online chat.

For instructors in the Americas Regions HQ also acts as the regional support centre.

TMS Team

When to call TMS on the Phone – Primary: +1 207-729-4201, Toll Free: 888-778-9073

  •  US office hours

09:00 – 18:00 – Monday-Thursday (EST)
09:00 – 17:00 – Friday (EST)
Closed Saturday and Sunday (Gone diving)

  • If you need an immediate answer
  • If you want to speak to a real person
  • To order physical products in the Americas
  • If you want to chat about your dive centres, fun dives, family, pets (especially your dogs) or any other topic

When to email TMS

  • Outside US office hours

training@tdisdi.com – Complex questions, QA concerns, incidents/accidents.

cs@tdisdi.com – All other questions, fun dive and dog pictures, and product orders.

When to use online chat – The chat box at the bottom right of the www.tdisdi.com website

  • US office hours

09:00 – 18:00 – Monday-Thursday (EST)
09:00 – 17:00 – Friday (EST)
Closed Saturday and Sunday

  • If you need an immediate answer
  • If you need to speak to a real person – we don’t use AI chatbots – the query goes straight to Viv, Sofia, Chris or one of the other members of the team
  • To order physical products in the Americas
  • If you want to chat about your dive centers, fun dives, family, pets (especially your dogs) or any other topic

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