
Five things not to do in video meetings

Five Things NOT to do on Video Meetings

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that video meetings will continue to remain a vital part of our lives. They are now how business is conducted, how education is received, and much more. What we are suggesting in this post are some simple guidelines for successful video meetings.

Getting Back to Diving: Knowing Your Health Baseline

For some it has been a while since you’ve been diving, due to the global pandemic we’re currently experiencing. However, pandemics aren’t the only thing that keep us away from diving, life happens and sometimes we take a break on accident. Either way, it’s important to know how you can get back to diving and make sure your body is ready.

TDI Cavern Discovery

The allure of a new environment is always tempting, especially when you are diving in clear water and it appears “easy” to just poke your head in. Let’s face it, divers are explorers and adventurers – just poking our head in to see is not going to be enough. Don’t do it unless you are properly trained or have a TDI Cavern Discovery Instructor with you.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Q&A

With the great response of the video just released, Miami Dade, A Closer Look, we figured we would do a follow-up question and answer session because like any good movie, the books are normally even better. There were only so many details we could include in the movie and now it’s time for the rest of the story.

Miami-Dade, A Closer Look

ERDI went on a ride-along and got a closer look into the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue team. What you are about to watch are the results of that ride-along.

What’s the Right Age to Certify My Kids?

What age do you have to be to scuba dive? How do you know if your kid is ready? Spoiler Alert: it’s not only about their birthdate.

ISO/EUF Renewal Certificate

You’re Part of the Problem

Scuba professionals, you’re part of the problem. Good news is, you’re also part of the solution.

Public Safety Diver Equivalences from Dive Training Agencies, DRI, LGS, PADI, SSI, IANTD, PSDA, NAUI, RESCUE 3

This chart compares ERDI certifications with other public safety dive training agencies

The #1 Reason Scuba Divers Die

Scuba diving is a great sport and like any activity it is not without its risks.