Do we really need an 02 kit when we dive?

No one plans for decompression sickness or even arterial gas embolism, we do everything we can to avoid them in-fact. However, accidents do happen. When they do we need to be prepared to act right away, this is where having an O2 kit comes into play.

decompression theory part 3

Ten Best Scuba Dive Sites Malta and Gozo

Is Malta in your travel plans for this year? If so, here are ten scuba diving sites you can explore during your trip! All ten sites listed are pooled from our Regional Office in Malta so you can trust that they’ve been vetted and are worth seeing.

Diving among the tall pines: A guide to diving the pit mines of Minnesota

Mine diving is on the rise. It brings a lot of the same challenges of cave diving but in a new environment. Flooded mines can have a lot of interesting sites and history few will ever get the chance to experience. Mine diving has been very popular in Europe, but did you know there are plenty of mines to dive in Minnesota?

Mine Diving in the UK

Mine diving is hot on our mind this month. You might know that Europe is a hot spot for mine diving but do you know the specifics of exactly where to go? Maybe not… Thanks to one of our contributors we’re giving you the details on eight mines in the UK.

Live Long and Prosper: Be Fit to Dive

Diving and fitness are closely related whether you like it or not. Do you know why these two things are so important to monitor in diving? Do you know the science behind this?

The Difference Between Caves and Mines

Do you know the differences between diving in a mine vs diving in a cave? While they may seem similar, there are many differences. There are a few dos and don’ts you should know before going into either. Mine diving and cave diving are more different than you might realize.

How to Become a Confident Diver: Learn Technical Diving

I’ve always loved diving, but I’ve never felt good at it. Mixed in with my awe at the beauty of the sea — the mantas, the sharks, even whales — has been a struggle with buoyancy, a struggle with trim, hyperventilation, and a constant fear of needing to call a dive because of any of the above. More than once I swore never to dive again. I’ve tried to power through it and I’ve tried to fake confidence; but in the end, it was technical diving that gave me the skills — and confidence — to really start enjoying my dives.

Solving Difficult Problems far Below the Surface

How do you handle emergencies? Do you start before there could ever be one by practicing foundational skills? Do you hope for the best and dive without worry? If the latter is you, you might fall prey to the “incident pit” faster than others.

How The Human Diver Helped Stop a Bar Fight

Are you aware of what your mission is in diving situations? Better yet, are you aware that you are aware? People don’t know what they don’t know and that old habits die hard. Are you always thinking about safety? Learn more about how on insurance rep took Gareth Lock’s Human Factors course and applied it to all aspects of life.